Unforgettable soldiers

CONTRIBUTION (SIWEL) — In Kabylie , North Africa Our Men and Women Fought Bravely so Freedom Would Last , Conditions Where Not Always Best They Could Be Fighting a Foe You Could Not Always See: From Mountain Highs to Valley Lows

Sons, daughters Were Sent Over Seas , Far From Their Families And Far From Their Dreams
They Never Wrote Letters Of Hardships Despair Only Of Love,
Yearning That One Day Soon:
They Would Come Home, They Would Resume
And Carry On With The Rest of Their Lives

Forced From Day Into Night to provide their families
Not Questioning If They Would Survive the pain They roll with the punches.

And for Those Who Were Left Behind
Our thoughts for them never leave our minds
We Will fight For as Long As It Takes
Kabylie a Country We did Not Choose to Leave

Those We Lost
You’re Not Forgotten And Will Always Be:
In Our Hearts, In Our Prayers, In Our Minds For All Time

A Moment of Silence, a Moment of Sadness when I think about the 128 HEROS of 2001
In Our Hearts, In Our Prayers In Our Minds For All Time


These Immortalized Soldiers INCLUDING Hammiche & BiHi Whose Bravery Abounds They’re Our Friends maybe Fathers, and Sons
They Enlisted For the Duty at Hand To Serve the Cause of Country and Land of KABYLIA .

They Found Glory That Change Them Forever

MAK ( MEN & WOMEN) Standing Tall and Proud They’re in the streets days & nights

In the Sun, In the Rain In the Winds Across KABYLIA

1980- 2001 – 2017 Years of Tears Has Brought Us Here Gathering Around to Hear This Sound
So Let the Flags of Freedom Fly

In the Sun, In the Rain, In the Winds Across Kabylia

SIWEL 191242 Apr 17 UTC

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